1. Routes and chargers
2. Buses and trips
3. Costs
RISE logo  Chalmers logo  Lindholmen Science Park logo  Volvo logo  Göteborg Energi logo  Västra Götalandsregionen logo  Energimyndigheten logo
Save configuration
No. departures per hour - select date:
Stops/links in subroute
Subroute details
Subroute details will be shown here. Some details are or will be editable. Try changing the color, for instance!

When you are happy with the details of the subroute, including the stop/link details (below), click 'Add to config.' below to add it to your configuration.
Stop/link details
When a subroute is loaded, a list of stops and links between stops will be shown on the left. Click a stop or link block to view and edit its details here. (Editing coming soon...)
Charge points in config.
Summary of configured charge points goes here. Buttons below for showing and clearing.
Depots in configuration
Subroutes in configuration
Add depot
Request route processing
Submit new GTFS source to server